About Michael's Wings
“Michael’s Wings” Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation registered in the state of Michigan. The purpose of the foundation will be to give support to teenage pregnant girls. The support will come in three general areas which are financial, educational and in faith.
The Foundation will initially be linked with a Southeastern Michigan College which is a community college located in metropolitan Detroit and serves southeast Michigan. We hope to provide scholarships and daycare services for disadvantaged teenage girls who desire to finish their high school education or go on to college to earn an education for a career in order to support their child. If the Foundation grows, it will spread to other communities where teenage girls from those communities can receive a college scholarship for a college within their community. Someday, I would hope that we could create “Michael’s Wings” daycare centers where adoptive aunts, uncles, grandparents and mentors can volunteer their time to watch the little souls and care for them while their teenage mothers finish high school and college educations. The only way this growth will be possible though, is through God’s grace and your giving. Even if you do not feel the call to give now, by purchasing a copy of this book, you have given. All the profits of the book will go directly into the Foundation. For your generosity and help, I want to say a BIG, “Thank you!”
The reason why my wife Linda and I named the Foundation “Michael’s Wings,” was for two reasons. First, we believe that teenage pregnancy is a battle. The battle may be with your daughter, with the unborn child’s father, with the unborn child’s paternal grandparents’ family, with your friends, with what society says you should do, or even at times with members within your own family. Teenage pregnancy has many potential battle scenes, but the battle for life is really the most important one. St. Michael the archangel is the patron saint for those locked in battles. He is the ultimate defender whenever you are involved in a battle. It is our hope that he can help defend the unborn souls that are growing in teenage mother’s wombs, once they and their parents realize that there is support like “Michael’s Wings” out here to help them.
The second reason we named the Foundation “Michael Wings” is a personal one. It is named for our son Michael who we only had a short time to love here on earth. We do not think it is a mere coincidence that his death brought us so many blessings. We have been blessed since his death from SIDS with our daughter Mollie, our realization that children are our most precious gifts, and now the blessing of a grandson in Brayden. Blessings often come in disguise and this was sure one of those times. We hope that our Michael, can spread his wings of hope upon the families of teenage girls who find themselves pregnant and need help.